Why Construction Companies Use Tool Hire Services

If you work as part of a construction team, you will know just how much the projects you take on require specialised tools and equipment. Whether you’re working on a project that requires an electric hoist, powered fans, an access platform, or more, you are often faced with two options; hire or buy.

Both hiring and buying tools and equipment have their benefits. However, hiring tools, even for a short amount of time, can be a significant money-saver and benefit you in a number of ways. Take a look below at the main reasons why construction companies use our tool hire services.

You Can Hire Equipment when You Need It


Gardening Jobs

Whether you need particular tools for a short period time, or you require plant hire for weeks or months at a time, at Mteevan Hire you can hire the tools and equipment you need for as long as you need it for. This is extremely beneficial as it helps you get the jobs done you need to without the hassle of finding where you’ve stored the equipment.
And talking of storage…

You Don’t Need to Pay for Storage

Digger One of the biggest drawbacks of buying our own tools and equipment for construction jobs is the issue of storage, particularly in busy city areas. Finding and paying for storage solutions can also be an expensive and tricky process. However, with our tool hire services you eliminate this problem completely. By hiring tools and equipment from Mteevan Hire you don’t need to worry about storage because we store everything for you so that you don’t have to deal with the inconvenience of clearing out a space on-site or paying for storage off-site to make room for your machinery.

We Provide Equipment Training


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Have you ever experienced purchasing construction equipment only to discover you don’t actually know how to use it? This is a common problem for many people and trying to work it out on your own or read through a full manual of instructions can be a huge waste of time.

Here at Mteevan Hire, we give you a helping hand by showing you everything you need to know about the equipment your hiring, from how to work it and what to do if there is a problem, to who to call if you have any questions and how to stay safe while operating it. This service ensures you know what you’re doing, and gives us peace of mind that you know how to use the equipment safely and properly.

Staff to Help with Your Project


Staff to Help

Here at Mteevan Hire, we don’t just hire out tools and equipment, we also hire out a workforce, should you ever be low on crew numbers. All our staff are fully-trained and professionals in their fields. So, whether you need someone to come on board for the week to man the equipment, or you need help with the groundwork, call us today to discuss our labour hire services and let us help get your project done on time and on budget.
Talking about staying on budget…

Keep Your Expenses Low


Tool Hire

We’ve already mentioned that construction projects can be expensive, but there is no need for all those extra costs when you can use tool hire companies instead. If you’re working on a budget, hiring all tools and equipment for each of your projects can be a great way to save money.
Not only are the tools we hire out, here at Mteevan Hire, affordable and high-quality but they also negate the need for storage, maintenance, and repair costs – helping keep your expenses low.

We Maintain and Repair Equipment

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Hiring out equipment is beneficial for construction companies in all the ways we’ve mentioned above, but it also ensures only the use of high-quality tools. It should come as no surprise that damaged, unclean, or broken machinery is a significant health and safety risk and one that we are not willing to take.

That’s why, here at Mteevan Hire we regularly inspect, maintain, clean, and repair any tools and equipment that are hired out to our customers. Not only does this ensure everything is kept in good working order, but it also provides our customers with only the best tools available.

We Supply a Large Selection of Tools and Equipment


Jewellery pliers

You can find everything you need for your construction project on our website. Browse through our selection of plant hire, tool and equipment hire, and labour hire services to find exactly what you’re looking for.

If you have any questions or you would like to speak directly with one of our experts, please do not hesitate to call our team at Mteevan Hire today for more information.