Review of the 300mm Angle Grinder 110V/240V

It can cut pretty much anything in half. Even your marriage. ā€“ Single man

So. Much. Power. ā€“ Man with beard

It looks and feels great. I donā€™t know how it works or what itā€™s for, but it makes me look incredible. ā€“ Derek, father of two

6 Stars ā€“ Incredibly excited man

Hiring machinery can seem a daunting task and many questions follow this. Do you really need this? Is it worth the investment? What if you cannot use it? What if you slip and end up launching it into the neighbourā€™s living room?

Before going out and spending money on a product you may not essentially need, here are some things to consider:

ā€¢ Do you really need it?
ā€¢ What is it used for?
ā€¢ What is it not used for?
ā€¢ Why is it worth buying?
ā€¢ Are you prepared?


Today we are looking at the Angle Grinder 300mm 110V/240V
First, a brief description on the angle grinderā€™s purpose:
An angle grinder will serve many purposes on the jobsite, from cutting through concrete and steel, to removing rust and burrs from metal to buffing and polishing steel. Weigh up the types of applications you intend to perform with your angle grinder. Then make a buying decision based on the capabilities, capacities and features of the grinder you’re interested in.
On first inspection, this isnā€™t a piece of equipment you can throw around like a Wii remote. They can weigh anywhere from 7-10kg. The circular saw at the end might look epic and inviting, but donā€™t try and carve the Christmas turkey with it.
Some people buy such equipment not really knowing why they need it or what to do with it. They just think itā€™ll make their task quicker and easier. With this in mind, itā€™s important to understand what certain items are used for. No point using an angle grinder to open a beer just to justify your purchase (though, it can probably be used for this).

Best to get to grips with the machine youā€™re using:

Angle Grinder 300mm 110V/240V
Mteevan stock a wide range of angle grinders 110volt & 240v for grinding masonry, concrete and metal.
[4.5ā€³-Weight= 1.4kg cut/depth of 45mm]
[9ā€³ -weight= 4.5kg cut/depth of 75mm]
[12ā€³ -Weight=11.5kg cut/depth of 100mm]
[12ā€³quick cut = 16.3kg cut/cap of 115mm]

– Description of product: High efficiency cooling fan
– Secured safety guard
– Handy grip angled to suit the application

(Hire rates vary)

Common uses of the 300mm Angle Grinder

Metal cleaning

This is probably one of the most satisfying actions to witness, let alone take part in. Due to the grinderā€™s interchangeability, any cleaning task is made easy. Rid your tools of stubborn rust or caked-on cement by gliding the wire cup over the surface of the tool. Ensure you firmly clamp the tool in place. Last thing you want is an unstable item ruining your new god-like powers. Even Zeus had a man that made his thunder bolts. You need a clamp.

Cut rods, bars and bolts

In most cases, you can cut almost any metal with a hacksaw. But whereā€™s the fun in that? The grinder is ten times as fast and requires half the effort. Be sure to clamp or prop up the bar/rod/item you are sawing. Allow the weight of the tool to do most of the work. Donā€™t force too much pressure onto the bar. Weā€™re aware of your Herculean strength but itā€™s not required here, thatā€™s why you bought an angle grinder. Once your merciless machine has cut through the bulk of its prey, allow the short end to drop freely to avoid catching the blade.

Restore deceased blades to their former glory

This is power in its finest form. Resurrect your deceased tools, shovels, axes, lawn blades, sickles and scythes (for Satan) with the grinding wheel. Again, clamp the blade you wish revive. Align the grinderā€™s wheel with the angle of the blade and steadily move the wheel across the blade, applying light pressure. Be sure not to grind back and forth. Make sure you wear a protective mask. Despite the sparks flying away from you, itā€™s better to be safe. Canā€™t be messing up that glorious face can we?

Cutting out mortar

These machines have the power to fall buildings. Literally. They are capable of clearing the joint between bricks quick and easily. This process is faster and more efficient than using a hammer and chisel. This is a dusty task however, so be sure to equip your Darth Vader-esq mask to ensure you donā€™t breathe in that dust. Also be sure to warn the neighbours of the noise and the fact you look so menacing that they may call in a S.W.A.T team.

Such a machine cannot come without some safety instructions however.

Safety guidelines

Cutting your childā€™s birthday cake
Removing bottle caps from beers
Scaring people on Halloween
Amending jigsaw pieces
Dental practice
Relieving headache pain
Do not drive whilst using this product

Overall Review of the 300mm Angle Grinder

This list barely touches on all of the grinderā€™s uses but it sheds light on its uses and what you can achieve. Essentially this is a tool that will save you time, money and ultimately effort. Not only is it worth the money but you will look phenomenal. You can even personalise it by sticking fierce stickers on it. You may apply stickers of fast cars, dumbbells, dragons, Vikings and/or inspirational quotes.

I do not believe I can numerically represent the brilliance of this machine. Just know that your life will not be the same after purchasing this product. Society tells us that the key to a happy life is love, and they were right. But they also say that money canā€™t buy you love. Until now.

Money can buy you love.
Because money can buy you the 300m Angle Grinder.